Mission Marketing Services

Strategy | Consultation | Communications

Mission Marketing instantly becomes an extension of your team to work in your best interest to further the outreach of your mission. Depending on your specific needs, our mission-driven marketing goals may include increased news coverage (both in print and in live media), donations, attendance at events, new donors, volunteerism, sponsorships, and community partnerships. Our services include:

  • communications
  • public relations
  • copywriting
  • collateral design
  • branding
  • print and online advertising
  • social media management
In the News

Every business has a story. How you tell and share your story influences your image and the response to your call to action. Mission Marketing helps determine the best angle for your unique story to translate to positive news coverage. From August 2017 – November 2020, submitted news releases and photo advisories to newspapers, publications, and news outlets resulted in media coverage 132 times. Here are some of the results:

Sample Designs & Layouts

From logo, business card, and letterhead design to the creation of your advertisements, invitations, fundraising materials, and annual reports, Mission Marketing can help with your branding and campaign strategies. Below are a few of our creations.