Woman on a Mission
Cara Scarola Hansen, Founder and President of Mission Marketing LLC, was born and raised in Palm Beach County, Florida, where she has worked professionally for 17 years. Mission Marketing is the convergence of Cara’s professional marketing skills with her passion for service and a more just community and world.
Cara graduated from Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. Over the last 20 years, she has lived, worked, and volunteered in Washington, D.C., Colorado, Costa Rica, Kenya, Africa, and Florida. Her early work experiences included macro-level consulting for Fortune 500 companies and teaching locally and abroad. Cara has spent the majority of her career implementing marketing strategy, consultation, and communications for both corporate and not-for-profit businesses.
Beyond business, Cara is the wife of a hard-working, dedicated educator/school administrator and the mother of four beautiful children for whom she dreams will know true equality in their lifetime.
Your mission is our mission. So, let’s get started with building and communicating your mission to create a better, more equal today.